Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Yash Wade
Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
This is your average slasher, with a slightly unique killer. Overall Blood Widow hits the marks; annoying victim, no cellphones, and a drawn out back and forth of people being were they should not be. Those are the tropes of the genre.Where Blood Widow excels is giving us an interesting killer, it's a woman! Okay this is not ground breaking new, but it is rare enough that it is worth noting. Also her costume is very interesting, and appealing to the eye. The kills are all practical effects, and not CGI.that makes some things look a little cheesy, but it lends a bit of credit to the movie.This movie gets it's grief, but I think it is worth a watch. The killer is all around interesting, and is fascinating to watch as she develops. The murder house is a good set, and the fact that the movie kept all of the effects practical make this movie stand out.
My 14 year old and I found the only thing entertaining about this movie was laughing at the terrible acting. The only thing good about it was the villain. She could have been SO scary. That mask was my motivation for renting the film. There was little to no suspense. The gore was over the top. I could have forgiven that for the movie style had any other portion been good but it wasn't. And most importantly the story just didn't quite make sense. Then I thought there was going to be some reveal at the end, but nope still confused. Did I mention the acting was TERRIBLE? Total waste of one of the most awesome creepy face masks I've seen in forever.
This could be one of the worst movies I ever seen, a lot of blood and gore. Acting in some cases was amateurish, other times it was pretty good The story line and how the script goes is terrible. more imagination could have been addedThe story goes against the human attitude, when one is threatened I am sure they would never allow them selves to be killed so easily.I must admit I actually watched all the film even though at times I wanted to switch it off, some viewers will at times close their eyes and others will be cringing in their seats, other times you will be unhappy you watched it.But all in all watch it and feel that feeling of horror when about to be killed,
Shawn Stetsko
While this movie had more budget than many of the recent movies (especially the found footage movies) usually do, and thus could have had some benefit from that, I can honestly say that it was money well wasted. The acting is some of the worst I have ever seen, the characters epitomize flat, the premise is weak and given no real development, and the building of suspense is nonexistent. The gore is amateur and funny at best-- but not really funny in a good way. What makes it worse is just how terrible the characters are... for a bunch of successful young adults to just arbitrarily decide, without a second thought, to go onto private property and absentmindedly vandalize a home, even if abandoned, is absurd... it is like the story is written by a barely pubescent teen imagining what adults would do, and things just go downhill from there(note this is not really a spoiler, it happens almost immediately and is not really any more important than anything else in this sad charade of a plot). Of course, as always, watch it if you want to. It is not the very worst movie I have seen by any means, but it comes close, and given the variety of better options out there (including the option of replaying something you have seen before but enjoyed) you might save yourself some time and skip this poor attempt at a slasher flick.