If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
I watched this movie because my girlfriend had a chance to see a screening of "Fat Kid Rules the World" directed by Matthew Lillard, there was suppose to be a Q&A after the screening. Well, I wasn't able to see the movie, we stayed in and had take-out instead. Days later my girlfriend remembered the name of the flick while searching the RedBox, she found it, and rented it that night. Long story short, I watched it, loved it and tracked down Jacob Wysocki. I found his comedy troop Bath Boys Comedy on youtube. I watched almost all of their videos then came across "The Boner Police" trailer. It took awhile, but I found the movie. I just watched it and have to say "BRAVO!". It was a great tip to the hat of great action movies that we all know and love. And (Spoiler) BONERS, lots of them! It's goofy, crude, and just awesome. This is my first time reviewing a movie on IMDb, I just had to let this group know how I found it. Great work dudes.