Brain Fix

1993 "A super brain-scanning, brain-draining, brain-smashing membrane of a movie!"
4.7| 1h24m| en| More Info
Released: 01 November 1993 Released
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Budget: 0
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Black-listed Professor Fued believes he has found a cure for acute schizophrenia by implanting living parasites into his patients' brains. When son Jeff witnesses his father at work he is appalled. He and apparently-normal patient Molly, whom he loves, are next on the treatment schedule...

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Micransix Crappy film
Mischa Redfern I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
fightingno1 Alright, this movie wasn't even that good. I'd agree better than feces yes but Zipperface is a whole level above feces, like on the level of vomit. And zipperface really does vomit all over Brain Fix in terms of plot and acting. Brain Fix is really a pretty straight forward movie whereas Zipperface keeps the watcher guessing at every turn. WHY WERE THERE CANS OF DOG FOOD AT THE SCENE OF THE CRIME?!?? Brain fix simply cannot compete. The only area where it is superior to zipperface is in special effects, and since the movie is about fixing brains well i would damn well hope so. As for acting well none of the characters in brain fix were very believable with the possible exception of the assistant guy who is really strong, whereas zipperface the characters are all much more interesting and are really brought to life by the fantastic cast.In conclusion, this movie is pretty good but not really as good as the horror masterpiece that is Zipperface.
Paul Andrews Brain Fix starts with with a narration by Jeff Feud (Charles Coplin) who informs us that he has flown to Mexico & drove out into the middle of nowhere to spend the summer in his Father's clinic. However upon arrival he is assaulted by Sven (Jiri "George" Petracek) the scumbag orderly who doesn't believe he is Dr. P. Feud's (Jack Savage) son. Luckily for Jeff his Father turns up & sets the record straight. Jeff explains that he wants to spend the summer with him & assist him in his experiments on curing schizophrenia & other mental illnesses, his Father just makes him mop the floors which is all he's good for by the look of it. Jeff is introduced to Norm (Richard Arvay), one of his Fathers patients who has been supposedly cured but Jeff isn't convinced as Norm is still a nut case. Jeff also meets & befriends another patient, an attractive female patient named Molly (Kristin Dean Boswell) who appears totally normal. Jeff decides to have a look at what his Father's up to so he sneaks into his operating room & is sickened & appalled at what he witnesses. It seems that his Father is conducting hideous experiments with parasitic creatures called Paratosas which excrete a euphoric enzyme directly into the patients brain after it has been surgically implanted into a unfortunate patients head, Dr. Feud hopes that this natural drug will cure all mental disease, I haven't got a clue why so don't ask, but as of now has been unsuccessful. Dr. Feud discovers that Jeff has found out what is happening & together with his new found girlfriend Molly is next on the operating schedule...Co-edited, produced & co-directed by Scott Wallace with Jay Amin as the second director I hate Brain Fix with a passion. I see there is only one other review of Brain Fix at the moment & that user has given it 10 out of 10, well we were obviously watching different films. Brain Fix is absolutely awful in every single way a film could possibly be. The acting is terrible, for most of this rotten film everyone just stands there & says their lines without the slightest hint of emotion or effort, & when these 'actors' do try it comes across as totally embarrassing just check out the fight at the end which has to be the most wimpy I've seen as they just sort of hold each other & scratch a bit. Brain Fix is one of the most shoddy & incompetent films I've ever had the misfortune to sit through, basic film-making techniques are either botched or ignored. These filmmakers light scenes from the side which produce glaring shadows in the direction that would be physically impossible if the laws of science are to be believed. For some strange reason half of the sound effects are missing like a gun being fired but with no accompanying blast & a fight with no sound effects either & there is no music whatsoever during Brain Fix even during the opening & ending credits. For the clinic the filmmakers use the same corridor & the same room throughout, one character even says at one point 'all these corridors look the same' which was maybe an attempt at a joke, well it wasn't funny in the slightest & the corridors look the same because they are the same one used over & over. The one room they use is laughable, it has wooden planks nailed across the window to stop the inmates escaping! Brain Fix is rock bottom stuff all the way, there aren't even any laughs to be had as it's just so painful & dull to sit through. There are no scares, no sub plots to give us a break from Jeff & his Father, no atmosphere & a complete lack of anything that even remotely resembles entertainment. The script by Ted Chalmers & Tracy Charlton is terrible, the characters will get on your nerves, it's as slow & dull as any horror film I've seen & it doesn't make any sense at all. I mean how come no one else has ever discovered these parasite things? How do these things cure mental illness? They also chuck in a lame & predictable 'twist' ending too. According to the IMDb Brain Fix had a minuscule budget of $10,000 & all I can say is where did the money go?! Brain Fix looks even cheaper than that. Forget about any gore either, there's a brief operation scene of one of the parasites being implanted but it's short & like everything else cheap looking. There is also a terrible looking slit throat & that's it, that's your lot! I hate Brain Fix, it's one of those films that you simply can't express in words how bad it is, it commits the unforgivable crime of being boring which is worse than having rubbishy production values because if a film entertains than I can forgive almost anything. Easily one of the worst horror films ever made & with those missing sound effects was Brain Fix ever truly completed? Avoid at all costs, you have been warned.
the_punish0r In my humble, yet expert opinion. This movie is better than Zipperface. I know i know, risky thing to say but.... in all honesty, this movie is possibly perhaps marginally better than Zipperface... maybe.It was a cold, dark and wet December night the night my cousin and i decided to settle down to watch BrainFix - we had our doubts at first... "Hey Lewis, are you sure this is a movie? I mean, it's not just a big pile of feces shoved on screen?" "hmm... feces you say? my God Murray, you could be right!" He was wrong. Brain Fix wasn't feces! it was in fact... better than feces! It was funny, amusing, hilarious and most of all, funny. All rolled into one real peach of a film! Basically, BrainFix is about some sort of crazy mental asylum place. The Doctor running the show is called... well, i can't remember exactly what he's called, but he had a name - that i'm sure of! Anyway, his son Jeff comes to visit for some reason, they were a bit sketchy on just why he came to visit, but i'm sure if he had a reason it would have been a damn good one . It doesn't take Jeff long to realise things are not all as they seem in the crazy lunatic asylum run by foreign people with mysterious accents, and haircuts. Jeff must now unlock the door to the front door, as well as the door to his father's past in order in unravel the mysterious goings on and leave the hospital behind him, once and for all.What this movie lacks in fine acting, directing, dialogue and script it more than makes up for in rich, creamy, C-movie goodness. If you live in the U.K. keep an eye on the Horror Channel - they don't show a lot of movies, so they like to repeat the ones they have.... over and over and...To sum up, this movie is actually better than Zipperface.