Ella-May O'Brien
Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Scot Free
Cancer is Curable presents something like 32 so-called experts in the field of alternative medicine and healing. By "alternative" I am referring to contrary to mainstream therapy which for most cancers consists of cut, radiate and chemo.I am giving this a 9 rating for its strategy of hope. This hope is provides a foundation for healing. The outline of the film looks at a whole body and mind approach to heal the cancer and potentially access transformative personal growth through overcoming the cancer. The mind can assist the body in doing its job at destroying infection and disease. Basically, this course requires questioning the typical chemo therapies and rejecting main stream - drug prescribing doctors of Western Medicine.My wife has melanoma cancer. First they cut it out in the leg and everything appeared fine until surfacing again a few years later. This forced a lot of studying and reviewing many films and books on Cancer. My wife opted for the Gerson Method (detox, juicing diet etc.) which is well represented in the film. Through many university level classes on science, along with studying alternative healing, the so-called "placebo effect" is primary factor in healing. The doctor with his quick prescription may scientifically do little to heal; yet the belief in the doctor and drug heals. This also goes for therapy like so-call homeopathy which is scientifically irrelevant (with C 30 etc dilutions) yet still seems to work for some who believe it works.Concerning negatives in the movie - the cut and paste of various alternative methods makes these other healers look almost the same, yet some are very different and potentially expensive with their alternative therapies. Though most if not all of these alternative therapies are less cost than standard chemo therapy, they will likely NOT be covered by insurance companies.The end of the movie presents a big plug for natural and organic. Obviously organic costs more. These treatments cost money too; yet one can take a few pointers - adjust lifestyles (eating, exercise habits and stress levels), embody hope and potentially cure the self ... outside the framework of dangerous chemotherapy.