This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Masterful Movie
It is a performances centric movie
Stephan Hammond
It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
I watched this movie at home on BluRay from my public library. I wouldn't normally seek out this kind of movie but there was no waiting list and I am a sucker for the high quality picture and sound of BluRay movies. I watched the unrated version.I don't recall ever watching any of the older Chucky movies, starting in 1988 with the movie "Child's Play". The movies with Chucky in the title started in 1998 with "The Bride of Chucky." As it has been from the very first
Brad Dourif provides the voice for Chucky . His daughter Fiona Dourif, who first had a role in the 2013 "Curse of Chuck" is back in this one as Nica Pierce, confined to a mental hospital for her insistence that Chucky is real and alive.I actually was entertained by this movie in full campy style. Before the movie ended there were three Chucky dolls, each as menacing as the other. The movie contains lots of very bloody gore, increasing as the movie gets near its end. As usual the end sets up nicely for a sequel.I also really enjoyed the "extras" where they showed how the Chucky dolls were animated. It took up to 7 different technicians to animate Chucky when he was walking, talking, and holding a knife or other tool in his hand.
The Childs Play franchise has been, no pun intended, played out. The original reigns supreme, and no reboot or sequel is ever going to hold a candle to what the 1988 film was all about. For its time, it was a cutting edge, well made film that explored a childs fear of a doll that nobody believed was real, and also went for the shock factor. For its time, it worked. Childs Play did not earn an R rating for violence, mind you, it was Chuckys mouth that lost the PG13 rating. Once that shock value was gone, meaning, once you have watched the movie, it's all disappears without a trace. Most horror fans would have been left satisfied, however, gore hounds would have been disappointed, as the original Childs Play kept the violence to a bare minimum. Fast forward two years, as we enter 1990, and Childs Play 2 is introduced. It picks up where the original left off, this time, the violence has been upped its game quite a bit, the deaths being a lot more grisly and graphic. Then came Childs Play 3, which if fine, if you wanted to make a trilogy, it should have remained a trilogy. Bride Of Chucky, in my opinion, was the first whack of the dead horse. This was not needed. However, in Hollywood, dead horses are cash cows on their animal farm, so what's going to stop them except if audiences quit paying to see this stuff? Seed Of Chucky was insanely terrible, and skip the bogus treats in between, and let's get down to business and discuss Cult Of Chucky. What's worse then one killer doll? How about two of them. How about three? The paper thin plot is backed up by, what I have perceived, as deliberate, downright brutal acts of violence. If shock value was what you were going after, Mr. Mancino, I am not impressed. The last 20 minutes is just a pure blood bath, and everything was left unresolved, and I had dozens of questions by the time the ending credits were scrolling. ( Was, uh, the new doll alive long enough to bleed like that? If no, it cancels out the logic of the original Childs Play.) For myself, this is the end of any more viewings of future Chucky films. I am done. If you ask me, its time to put this final nail in the coffin, and end the franchise once and for all. On a positive note, I will give them props for finding unique, creative ways to keep the sequels going. Some are fun to watch. This one was entertaining, had potential, but I knocked a star off because of the over excessive, brutal violence. Maybe they should have concentrated more on story instead of the slayings. ( Speaking of coming downward from the ceiling, onto a body. Have we, uh, seen this before somewhere? Just asking.) Hold your head in shame, Don. You have talent. Why do you waste it on this marsh?
This was the weakest chucky film after seed......still it was not bad.
in my opinion the original trilogy, curse and bride of chucky were great films.
seed was the worst and cult of chucky was somewhere in the middle.
It had it's moments....good laughs and finally a plot twist with chucky finding new ways to explore terror......(no spoilers)
Andy barckley is back and we have a huge surprise as u will never guess who is returning also in the post credit scene. tilly as always is GORGEOUS soundtrack enjoyable and u will be pleased from the film excluding parts which were silly and idiotic. unfortunately some things did not made sense and the kills were not all great stuff. this will be the final chucky film (for now) but we will get a new chucky tv series soon with season 1 consisting of 8 episodes following the events of cult of chucky. MY CHUCKY RANKINGS CHILDS PLAY 1 // A CHILDS PLAY 2 // A CHILDS PLAY 3 // A BRIDE OF CHUCKY // A SEED OF CHUCKY // D CURSE OF CUCKY // A CULT OF CHUCKY // C+
Just finished watching Cult of Chucky & have to say it was disappointing & not all as great as I thought it was going to be. I mean the film as a whole was "ever so slightly" better than Curse of Chucky, but only by a whisker as this film wasn't all that different from it's 2013 predecessor. The film carries on from the events of the previous with Mica, who is now in a mental hospital after recently being transferred. She still believes the Chucky Doll is real while everyone around thinks she is crazy as the Doll is nothing but a "fantasy" to them & the authorities.The film sees some iconic characters returning, with Alex Vincent as Andy Barclay & of course Brad Dourif with the voice of Charles Lee Ray/Chucky, not to mention Brads daughter, Fiona, returning from the previous film as Mica. The film was decent enough for what it was. Though it wasn't anything special. It took place in the asylum for most of the film with other scenes taking place in either Andy's house & the restaurant at the start of the film, aside from them 2, it's pretty as confined as the setting of the film is. The deaths were OK, 1 of which was pretty creative. While the others weren't all that. They weren't "Dark" or "Sinister" enough. We need the REAL Chucky for crying out loud! Where's the vicious killings? The stabbing? The grim, yet dark deaths he carried out on his victims!? I miss them! Badly!I also feel the issue with this film (like the previous) is that it lacks the old school feel of the late 80's early 90's! That feeling which is absent in these sequels which although are miles better than Bride of Chucky & Seed of Chuck especially! Though them films didn't feel "tacky" if that makes sense? But I'd have to say Child's Play 1 2 & 3 (especially) are the best ones!The story-line which was alright just had a dumb arse twist at the end which was both politically correct & just dumb & weird! I mean, what ever happened to a straight forward story-line with Andy rescuing Mica from the asylum? Hm? No it has to be a less off session with Chucky's GF along with another weird yet confusing revelation! I did like the post credits scene, but even then, that couldn't save this film from getting any better!The gore was decent enough, but could've been better! You'd of thought for today's generation in films being modern, that Chucky would dominate it, sadly not & this film wasn't much of an improvement over Curse of Chucky, which was quite disappointing!I hear there's an 8th instalment of Child's Play coming & shock shock horror horror shock shock horror... is set in outer-F**kin'- space! Seriously? I mean this film itself was 87 minutes long yet we couldn't get some easy straight forward story-line with some gruesome Chucky class deaths? No, of course we can't! Overall the film wasn't all that, it was disappointing considering the new age we live in & the anticipation of what could've been a good horror film with a classic Chucky laced into it! Overall, 4/10