Days of Darkness

3.8| 1h29m| R| en| More Info
Released: 21 September 2007 Released
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Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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When a comet strikes Earth and kicks up a cloud of toxic dust, hundreds of humans join the ranks of the living dead. But there's bad news for the survivors: The newly minted zombies are hell-bent on eradicating every last person from the planet. For the few human beings who remain, going head to head with the flesh-eating fiends is their only chance for long-term survival. Yet their battle will be dark and cold, with overwhelming odds.

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SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
GL84 Finding that a passing comet has showered the Earth with space particles that turn the living into ravenous zombies, a couple escape to a compound stronghold but soon find a greater danger at work in the area and must fight to survive.This one wasn't all that terrible an effort but was really hurt by several rather damaging flaws. The biggest issue with this one is the fact that there's just never any consistency within the film as it bounces around from plot-point to plot-point without any real effort to distinguish why that's happening. At first, it's the radioactive spores from the comet's passing that causes everything, then it's that they're being controlled by alien parasites, there's a segment about women being immune to their attacks as they only want to fertilize humanity to take over the planet but sometime later women are attacked without impunity and the whole fertilization plan is ignored altogether. This here really gives this one quite the scattershot and really disjointed storyline so this one tends to jump around to about four or five different plots to accomplish this. As well, the fact that the group spends so long listening to the toxic thoughts of the few individuals stuck with them that leaves this one with a glaring reason why they're still there at the compound, and overall such qualities are what hold this one down. There's quite a lot to really like here, as while it does go all over the place it has some good central ideas spread around here. The concept of the evolution they force upon the group gives this some solid core issues that serve quite well in building up the potential of the aliens invading the planet, and these here are given plenty of worthwhile elements here which make this quite fun at times. The way it goes about the revelation towards the body changes they enforce or the behavioral changes which are due to the invasion, and with the way this sets up the type of different tactics to hold them off creates a lot of fun here. The initial outbreak when they're on their date creates a strong opening here, the different battles with the different survivors who are trying to keep their upper hand or dealing with the zombies captured within the bunker or the first zombie encounter where the released creatures come pouring into the compound which requires plenty of solid battling trying to keep them from getting in and attacking the survivors. Likewise, the film really scores nicely here with a stand-out scene of the group attempting to clear the compound of zombies which contains plenty of gunfire blasting the creatures, attempting to stop them from getting inside once the gate gets opened and the creatures start ripping the people to pieces in a great scene which has enough action and gore to work nicely. As well, the other really good part to this one comes from the behavioral changes to zombies that are shown here that gives this one that series of strange changes here in the inability to pass on the zombiedom, not having a gunshot to the head to take them out and a series of different battle tactics that are engaging while being unique and somewhat clever. It's got some good parts, but is just too flawed to truly overcome them.Rated R: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence and Full Nudity.
MrGKB ...but not all that great, either, "Days of Darkness" plays like a movie that was made because someone found what they thought was a cool location for a cheap zombie film: an abandoned Norad installation. A flimsy script was written, low-rent (not that there's anything wrong with that) actors were hired, and a highly derivative film was churned out, headed direct to video. "Days of Darkness" is make-work filmmaking all the way, without an original idea in its mercenary little head, but whatever glimmers of talent it evinces (some of the acting is commendable, and the lighting is remarkably good, but mostly negated by slipshod editing/composition and indifferent direction) simply can't remove it from the province of Sturgeon's Revelation. The characters are mostly cardboard, ineptly developed, and saddled with dialog that desperately mimics better films like George A. Romero's "Day of the Dead" and falls far short. Worse (for a zombie film), there are no major payoffs in the gore department, no memorable feature zombies, nor any serious attempt to immerse the viewer in an apocalyptic world (cf. any of Romero's classics, or even Zack Snyder's utilitarian remake of "Dawn of the Dead"). It's just another cinematic misfire that will vacate the viewer's consciousness in a matter of minutes. Late night insomniac viewing only, of interest only to hardcore zombie geeks, and precious little for them to chew on anyway.
mrush This is another low budget piece of crap zombie movie from Lionsgate.A few people hold up in an abandoned military installation after a comet hits the Earth and causes most humans to turn into zombies.There is some talk of reproduction and some poking around in the crotches of the zombies and a bunch of other silly stuff.I guess the genital exams was an attempt to try and do something different in a zombie movie.The DVD box boasts "2 billion zombies" but we end up seeing only about 2 dozen poorly made up zombies in this puke pile of a movie.The plot doesn't make sense .The gore is phony looking and pretty mild.One set of very small breasts are shown and that's about the most interesting thing this sorry mess of a movie had to offer.It's to the point once you see those big metal gears turning when the Lionsgate logo starts that you might as well hit the eject button and get the DVD out cause you know it's gonna blow.
lordscorpionfire The entire history of zombie cliché was rammed into the first 40 seconds of this movie, word for word, pathetic! We don't need morons consolidating every zombie film made, into one ripped -off pile of crap. Like the last guy to comment, the audio sounds like You are at a drive-in, which is awesome.....if You're at a drive-in. The writer basically mashed a bunch of zombie movie catch phrases together and strung them throughout the movie. If You have seen only bits and pieces of zombie movies, You've seen this movie. The thing that sucks the most is that the people most responsible for this movie made money off mine and other's dumb asses. What an amazing pile of crap.

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