good back-story, and good acting
Too much about the plot just didn't add up, the writing was bad, some of the scenes were cringey and awkward,
if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Mandeep Tyson
The acting in this movie is really good.
I enjoyed the film although Costner is far from my favourite actor. It kept me intrigued right up to the end. I won't say exactly how it ends but I've added a spoiler warning for disclosing that it ends in the native village.He walks slowly into the hut with the natives slowly parting before him stares at what is suddenly revealed and we learn the reason for all the signs that have gone before.Cynic that I am I really expected to see a basket containing the shrunken head of his wife. But that isn't what he sees, it ain't that sort of movie, I'm just that sort of guy!
I don't want to speak about this lovely movie too much. The story is simple, but the actors and the acting are great. The ending is surprising in a good way and the atmosphere of the film is very well realized.I write this review because I wonder how low is the medium IQ of the regular voters on IMDb ? How can they rate a idiotic movie like Dark Knight 9, ranking the 10th movie of all times !!!, and a decent film like this only 6 ? Maybe because there are no special effects , no lame actor died shortly after filming, and the romance is no more appreciated. Few years ago you can rely on the IMDb ranking, but now you can miss many good movies and go see a lot of rubbish, if you consider the vote from present site.If you are a little bit romantic, see this film, you will like it.
OK, so it isn't worth a 10 I admit (it's about a 7-8 in my book), but I simply can't believe it has a 5.8 on IMDb so I'm trying to boost it a little. There are so many garbage movies on IMDb (Jackass springs to mind) which have a higher rating than this really good movie that it's shocking!Kevin Costner plays a doctor whose wife travels to South America as part of a Red Cross aid mission (sort of like Doctors Without Borders type thing). While there and traveling on a bus along a treacherous road during a storm, a mud slide crashes into the bus, sending it barreling down the hill and presumably killing everybody. Costner's wife's body is never recovered by authorities and strange signs and stories from her pediatric oncology patients fuels Costner's belief that his wife is trying to communicate with him.The movie plays as it should; there is little 'pace' to it as such since the movie is about a husband's grief for his dead much pace do you expect? That said, there are some properly scary moments that will have the hairs at the back of your neck stand up and at the same time there is plenty of intrigue to keep you watching; eagerly awaiting what happens next.I thought Kevin Costner pulled in a very good performance in this movie. There's a real sense of genuineness in the way he portrays his character. Don't expect 'Best Picture' material here because then you will be disappointed. Make no mistake, this is a very good movie but it never intends to be an outstanding classic. Also, the movie is about communication with 'the other side' so please leave your 'this is not real' feelings at the door. Simply watch and enjoy the movie for what it is and I guarantee. you will not be disappointed.P.S. There are many reviewers here who moan and trash the movie for some things that happen in it (SPOILER: eg. His wife's cancer patients having seen her while they were flat-lined) well what did you expect after the movie says it is about communicating with the other side?? If you don't like this type of genre or Kevin Costner, don't trash the movie just because you were dumb enough to go watch something you knew you weren't gonna like! Anyway, that's my little rant done with, rent the movie if you haven't already seen it I really do recommend it.
Neil Welch
I had never heard of this Kevin Costner movie.He plays a Chicago doctor whose wife is killed while doing relief work in South America. He begins experiencing a series of incidents whereby she sends him cryptic messages from beyond death. Is he going mad or are they genuine? Well, I didn't mind the "real or not" plot element, and I didn't mind the wildly improbable resolution - and when I say wildly improbable, I'm probably understating the case somewhat.But there were two things I had trouble with. One of them is this whole business of messages from the dead - what's wrong with sending a message which the recipient can understand? Such messages were sent to children - "This man will come to see you, you must tell him xyz" - but the messages coming to Costner were gibberish - "Here's a weird symbol - you must work out what it means," "The parrot is going to go mental," "Let's put all the clothes back in the wardrobe" - no wonder everyone, including him, thought he was going mad.And the other was the fact that this movie is, how can I put it, slow. Once I've got the point then I would like you to get on with it, please, and deliver a bit more story instead of the same bit again. And again. And then a mild variation on it.So the idea was decent, the subject suited Costner's earnestness, but it was a bit of a snoozefest.Oh, and the ending was so ludicrous it made me laugh out loud.