Father of Invention

2010 "Sometimes the best ideas are homegrown."
5.7| 1h33m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 14 February 2010 Released
Producted By: Kjam Media
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Nearly a decade after a faulty product landed him in prison, an arrogant inventor is determined to restore his reputation and rebuild his fortune. But first, he has to convince his estranged daughter that he's worthy of a second chance.

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SparkMore n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Bessie Smyth Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Jerrie It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Michael Ledo The whole premise had me scratching my head. Corporate executives do not go to prison due to liability on their products even if they deliberately produce a product that will harm people. Ford Motor company proved that with their exploding Pinto. So now Kevin Spacey spends 8 years in prison and his family never comes to see him? Once you get past that...and I never really did, we end up with a movie that has some good scenes connected by a bad plot.I didn't like Heather Graham defining herself as a lesbian to strangers. That was so unreal and not funny. The negative relationships and feelings that were rampant against Kevin Spacey, was not believable. Kevin played a guy whose only fault was that he enjoyed his work. If you want a somewhat feel good comedy without f-bombs, sex, or nudity this one might fill in...but don't think too hard about it.
Mr Black Wow, all the negative reviews on here babbling on and on about 'direction' and 'script' and so on, from a bunch of armchair quarterback directors. Most of these people have no background in film, for sure. It's not an easy thing to make a movie but certainly is easy to watch it in your living room and then look up a glossary of movie terms so you can slay it in the reviews. I like this film. It's not an epic, but it's not supposed to be. Good performances all around. A little humor and something to think about. Decently paced. I enjoyed it. Kevin Spacey is, as always, really good. Virginia Madsen, as always, was really good. The rest of the cast also did a great job.
V J FATHER OF INVENTION (2011) stars Kevin Spacey and I thought it might be really good, hilarious, but it was more than a bit corny and I got sick to death of that blonde saying 'I am a lesbian'. So what? It wasn't all that funny the first time she said it and it certainly didn't improve with repetition.Robert Axle (Spacey) is a 'fabricator', not an inventor, he says. He puts things that already exist together into a new product but one of his fabrications severed fingers actually, and he ended up doing time in prison. When he got out, years later, all his hard earned millions had gone to the now ex-wife and her new husband,and to the injured via lawsuits. He was broke, jobless, homeless. And keeping down a regular job wasn't easy for him. He seemed to be disaster prone. Always in the wrong place at the wrong time mostly. And everywhere he went, trying to better himself, he bumped into people with severed fingers. His wife, living in the mansion he paid for,spending the money he earned, doesn't want to know about his problems. His daughter doesn't seem to care for him much either but she takes pity and he ends up sleeping on the couch in the home which she shares with two friends, one being the boring lesbian ('fraid so'). And so the story went.It's not bad for a rainy afternoon when you have nothing better to do but my expectations tend to be high with Kevin Spacey. Still, not to worry, you can always play Scrabble or Chess and keep up with this plot at the same time.
diggus doggus If you find yourself coming to IMDb for a sneak peek at your next movie outing, please remember this rule: reviewers who vote a film 8* or more, if they have only one, or two at the most, reviews posted .. are probably what the industry calls "sponsored reviewers" or, in layman's terms, "professional bullsh**ers".Unfortunately Father of Invention is one of those titles that the parent studio feels needs sponsored reviews, as you can see for yourself if you browse the few reviews here on IMDb (just click on the Author's name in the review); the film isn't terrible, but apart from Kevin Spacey doing his best, there really isn't much of a story to keep it afloat.Rober "Bob" Axel has just come out of jail for marketing a faulty product (whait, what? do corporation chairmen go to jail for that? this film must be set in a parallel universe where criminal charges apply differently than real-life US), and he has to start again from the bottom rung of society, trying to rebuild all he lost, including his family, car, friends, and all that upper-crust stuff. He fails. That's about it for a pretty mediocre film, with a very diminutive script, truly awful supporting characters, middle of the road acting, and lacklustre direction; Spacey is good, but the constraints of a unimaginative ..everything .. leave him no space to shine.Avoid this film if you can, there are too many boring and inconsequential filler scenes in it to make this an easy sit-through, even with friends. Instead, do go see something else out this week, like Soldier Spy, Machinegun Preacher, 50/50, 1911, Heavy Times, or the superb Drive. Anything really, but not this. Or Melancholia.Final vote, 4/10. Pretty bad.