the leading man is my tpye
Please don't spend money on this.
not horrible nor great
Wow. This movie is really bad. . .surprisingly bad! Poor acting, horrible writing and awful special effects. It has some fun-ish moments, but, for the most part, you should know that it is a sloppy thrown-together mess - because knowing is half the battle.
Well there have been tons of reviews, mostly mixed so I will try to keep mine brief. The Good: They included a nice roster of Joe characters, and that felt pretty balanced. The cobra operatives were also well chosen for this initial movie offering. There are a lot of fast paced action scenes and thankfully you can at least tell what is going on from scene to scene. The Bad: Oh boy, well the look of the film is all wrong
.this looked and felt like Sci-Fi and not a Military inspired movie. I don't have an issue with making the team international to a point, but I think I would have kept the team true to its American origins and let the international aspect be filled in by ancillary characters. The character connections: brother, sister, lover whatever seemed really off to me and don't work in the movie at all. The Ugly: The pacing was way too fast, and no time was given to reflect on the situations, sometimes too fast just doesn't work. The origin stories, both Destro's, Cobra's, Duke's and Snake Eyes were just awful. None of them resonated or made me care about the characters. I think a clear mistake was trying to move this story into the future and not keeping in mind that these characters and situations are a product of Reagan's 80's and that if you are going to move it forward to a different time you have to update all elements accordingly. To clarify, create a world where you have jingoism as its heart where the shadow of a cold war and a looming threat of terrorism is constantly lurking in the background
.ya know
like the world we live in today
.more or less.
Taylor Kingston
I enjoy this movie, but I can't watch it over and over. I honestly didn't know that G.I. Joe was a cartoon and a famous character. And when I did find out, I though that G.I. Joe was one person, not a team or an organization.I feel a bit bad for this movie, because it didn't get great ratings and not a lot of people liked it that much. I enjoyed, but I'm pretty sure that's mainly to do with Channing Tatum. I like this movie and would recommend it, but don't get mad at me, if your expectations aren't met. Since I never knew anything about G.I. Joe, I couldn't be disappointed.In this movie, a group of elite combat fighter spy people, called the G.I. Joe's, are called to action, against a ruthless enemy. Also, Channing Tatum is in it, and he looks good.Overall, I give this movie a 7 out of 10.
What happens in this movie? I have seen it but I don't remember anything, I mean I should get credit for having seen the movie, but what did happen, really, its OK if you tell me it's not like it's cheating. I don't think I was boozing in the theater when I saw it, but at the same time I wouldn't put it past myself. Were there any ghosts in this movie because ghosts are scary and they give me bad dreams and if there are any ghosts in the movie just don't even tell me, are there any ghosts though, in the movie? What does the G.I. stand for in G.I. Joe, is it for general interest? or genital infestation? or geriatric images? or gigantic instrument? Just mail the answer to me.