Wonderful character development!
The greatest movie ever made..!
Highly Overrated But Still Good
everything you have heard about this movie is true.
i've read some reviews where people just detest this film which deserves a wider audience. i thought it was a well-made film that had some interesting characters and a storyline that had something to say about tolerance, love and acceptance. while i agree that the whole 'something in the water makes you gay' storyline didn't play out too well, the rest of the plot was great. i enjoyed the developing relationship between Alex and grace. i just wished the love scene was longer and a little more explicit as the two lead actresses are gorgeous and easy on the eyes. a film that stays true to it's heart by not taking it's subject matter too seriously and being funny.
As a member of the gay community I can justifiably comment that this movie was SUPERFICIAL at best: It only TOUCHED on the idiosyncrasies of the gay lifestyle and DID NOT delve into any real issues concerning the gay culture. This was an attempt at a facade of a film. Kerri Jo Chapman was the only thing worth viewing in the movie as the remainder of the "actors" and extras looked like something dug out of a southern swamp. Light, fluffy, and inconsequential. As a reviewer recently wrote "This film is so unbelievably terrible. So painfully bad. Total pants... if a film was to be measured in pants, this film would be the pants found at the bottom of your laundry basket you thought you threw out at least 3 boyfriends ago." Do not waste your time unless you're especially bored and need a good laugh at terrible acting.
This is a wonderful movie of discovery. One of my first expirences with lesbians in film and I love it. The Texas drawl is a bit thick but most of the characters are dynamically portrayed. This movie is on my Top Ten list of Coming Out Movies of all time.
LITP (lostintwinpeaks)
An odd little movie, with many unknown actors. The comedy/drama in the film is mostly unfunny and undramatic, but some scenes do contain real impact. And one scene is very funny - when the main character goes to the video store for lesbian movies. What a hoot! Otherwise, a good attempt at creating a gay and lesbian movie. This is probably best described as a lightweight and interesting failure - but still worth a look.