
5.5| 1h31m| en| More Info
Released: 14 July 2012 Released
Producted By: Movie Ranch Entertainment
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Junction follows four strung-out meth-addicts who discover a dark secret about a homeowner during a burglary, pitting them not only against the police but against each other.

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Diagonaldi Very well executed
Inclubabu Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
Blucher One of the worst movies I've ever seen
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
zif ofoz Junction is one of those movies you find, having never heard of it, and after watching you want to tell others about it because it's so damn good!This little indie movie has it all - drama, suspense, action, humor, and all performed to perfection by a cast of (for me) mostly unknown actors. Director Tony Glazer has given us a little jewel of a film in which the story flows tight and strong.You don't know, nor can you guess, what's going to happen next in this robbery gone wrong due to the 'found' object that cause the unplanned break-in to fall all apart.If you like suspense this is a good choice!
MartinHafer Warning: Do NOT under any circumstances let kids watch this film. It has a very violent and adult plot that simply isn't appropriate for ANY child to see. Additionally, take care if you watch the film because it is so violent AND because the subject matter might be too traumatic for victims of sexual abuse to watch no matter what their age.Four meth addicts are looking for a fix but they haven't got any money. So, their supplier suggests they steal a TV and he'll supply them with drugs. And, being desperate drug addicts, they soon locate a likely home and find a nice flat screen TV. However, in the process, one of the addicts finds another TV—one hooked up to a DVD machine. He turns it on and soon sees that there is child porn on the disc—as well as all the other discs he finds in the attic cache. At this point, this particular meth addict flips out. It seems that he was a victim of sexual abuse and he's not about to let these folks go free. His friends suggest he call the police and they then run—but this guy has truly flipped. He's determined to mete out justice—and kill the guy he knows is responsible for this child porn. At first his friends try to change his mind, but soon he takes them prisoner as well! Now, it's a house filled with prisoners and a nut who's only seconds away from mass murder. Can the police manage to save any of them and will the pedophile receive justice?Although the plot to Junction might seem very far-fetched, it really isn't. In fact, I found three well-documented cases that were similar— at least as far as the setup goes. These three cases involved burglars who stole items only to either discover within the home of the victim child porn—or child porn on video cameras stolen from the homes. And, in these three cases (in Spain, Canada and the UK), the burglars contacted the police to report the pedophiles even though they themselves risked jail time for burglary. Of course, in this film, the guy does NOT contact the police—he wants to handle it all by himself!Long ago, before I became a teacher, I was a psychotherapist who, unfortunately, kept getting referrals for cases involving sex offenders. Working with the victims was tough—but rewarding. But working with the offenders just about killed me and so I can understand the psychology behind this film. With post-traumatic stress reactions, I could see an adult victim losing control and threatening to kill everyone—though this sort of thing is very, very rare. The movie definitely also gets it right when it comes to the wives—all too often they are either willfully ignorant of the sexual abuse or they are participants. Folks don't like to think that women can be this evil—and the film really gets this part of it right. I've worked with some truly evil and despicable men AND women.So is the film worth seeing? Well, yes. It's very well made and very intelligent—which is surprising for such a lower-budgeted film. It has some very interesting and well thought out twists. The actors are not big stars and the idea is very simple…but it works well. However, at the same time, it's so traumatic watching the film and so bloody that I wonder who would want to see this. And, if you yourself have been a victim, for goodness sake, don't watch the film—it will be a nightmare. But, for the right audience, it is an exceptionally well made, albeit bloody, film. Just think twice before you watch.
annealperlaw The dramatic initial scene of this film quiets the theater as it renders the audience locked to the story, eyes unable to move from the screen. Things are not as they appear in the village of Venterra Hill, which tags itself as "A Nice Place to Live". The neighborhood has its own security, the lawns are manicured, the homes have a certain curb appeal, even in the gray days of the early winter, when this story seems to take place. The 4 main characters are seen driving within this neighborhood, their car barely held together by masking tape and string, signifying to this viewer, the emotional disrepair of those who ride inside of that car, themselves barely held together, both individually and as a group. When the decision is made to enter one of these homes, in clear violation of the law, we are shown layers of the 4 would-be bad guys, making it difficult to claim that any character in this film is either completely good or completely bad. This is what appeals to me most; the ability of the writer/director Tony Glazer, to communicate to the audience that there are characteristics within all that are not clear cut and not readily seen based upon the label that may be attached to each of us. Mr. Glazer cleverly uses symbolism throughout the film; using the National Anthem as the doorbell chime of the home, asking the audience, in effect..."Oh say can you see???" while still hinting at what appears to be "The American Dream' gone horribly awry. At another point in this engaging film, the camera pans at least two decorative birds, not with their wings spread, as is the American symbol of freedom, but, rather, birds at rest, simply decorations in a horrific nightmare of the childhood memory of one of the main characters.Without giving too much away, it is safe to say that this film is engaging from the moment it begins until the minute you are supposed to get up and leave, but find that getting up and leaving in and of itself is difficult. "Junction" is a dark movie, sprinkled with lines that permit the audience to laugh out loud, again mimicking the idea that all is either good or evil. It is those moments of levity that then lead to even darker moments.I highly recommend this film with the clear warning that adults should view this movie without children present and take away the realization that one person's choice touches the lives of so many. It is a clear reminder to choose wisely while understanding that things are much more than what they seem.
Greg Neff The cold, dry winter air is broken by the sound of a dilapidated auto rolling slowly down the street. Inside, Spot, Donald, Kari, and David - all meth addicts looking to score. Like most of their kind, they have no money, and strike a bargain with Tai, a charismatic psychopath who really loves his mother, for enough to get them through the day. A color TV for Mom's birthday.The mark is easy enough. A quiet, upscale house, recently moved in to. They won't have had time to unpack everything. Spot is worried, Donald is unfocused. Kari and David want to get in, and out as quickly as possible. However inside the house, Donald discovers a dirty, dark secret that throws him back in memory to a time he prayed he could forget. Filling now, with a growing resolve, Donald lies in wait for the family to get home. Before the rest can escape, the family arrives. Choices are limited…"Junction" has the grit and the feel of real life on the mean streets. There are no pretty people, and no one can be entirely innocent. As an independent film, it hits several home runs. Just as you think the plot runs into an inescapable corner, Writer-Director Tony Glazer jolts to the left, and jolts back to the right again. Solid performances by the cast have you sitting on the edge of your seat, feeling the despair and the hope, and the pain. At times, you don't know who to root for!

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