Truly Dreadful Film
Am I Missing Something?
This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
It's a rare romantic comedy that seeks to demonstrate that love does not always conquer all. Here we have two likable young adults whose professional ambitions interfere in their ideals about romance. And guess what? The semi-happy ending sees them parting ways whilst still holding affection for each other. Whew!One has to admire this film for its refusal to adhere to genre conventions. No doubt the big name producer pulled in an excellent supporting cast. And as a bonus it contains a great subplot detailing the flakiness of the performing arts scene.Some of the quirkiness is strained, but overall the film offers a breath of fresh air.If you love movies only when they offer up genre clichés then this movie will disappoint. But if you've seen so many movies that the clichés now stick in your craw, you could do worse than this.
Jay Raskin
Eric Stoltz and Mary Louise Parker don't go for the big laughs, they do go for the little ironies that bring big smiles. This is kind of Neil Simonesque at its best, which is most of the time. It is about a young writer getting his work produced as an off-Broadway play for the first time. Everybody is good, but for me Kathleen Turner as the very insecure star seducing the talented young writer is the highlight. It is kind of a low rent version of Bettie Davis in All about Eve, but Turner makes it believable that she would be willing to sleep with the author to get the part. The other highlight is Tony Curtis as the cynical producer taking a chance on the young playwright. He was 68 years old here, but he looks ten years younger and really seems to be enjoying the work. After his T.V. series Vegas ended in 1981, Curtis really didn't get much work. He only had about three or four good parts in good films the last 25 years of his life, which is quite sad. Curtis describes the play by the lead character as having problems and not being very funny, but he does note that it has a certain honesty about it. That could be said about this movie. What it lacks in drama, it makes up for in honesty and sincerity.
Gary Murphy
Two good actors, Eric Stoltz and Mary-Louise Parker, are overshadowed by a poor script and poor direction. The excessive use of asides and narration, along with a poor script, make this in all a poor movie.The plot idea is good. Two people fall in love and must decide between careers going in geographically opposite directions and their mutual attraction for each other. That's a great idea for a plot, but it just didn't play out.
a simple love story about two people trying to make sense of life while trying to make sense of each other.... artistic, well written, and a cast of thousands....! it changed my may just change yours.