Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land

8.2| 1h20m| en| More Info
Released: 09 November 2004 Released
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Country: United States of America
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This video shows how the foreign policy interests of American political elites-working in combination with Israeli public relations stratgies-influence US news reporting about the Middle East conflict. Combining American and British TV news clips with observations of analysts, journalists and political activists, Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land provides a brief historical overview, a striking media comparison, and an examination of factors that have distorted U.S. media coverage and, in turn, American public opinion.

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Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
herrerik Of course, political movies are always criticized by those who don't agree. But even though this film is pro-Palestinian it doesn't lie and its most certainly is not anti-Jewish (arabs are the biggest Semites group themselves so i think you mean anti-Jewish, not anti-Semite). The makers were also tactical enough to choose many Jews to appear and criticize Israel. They bring up the issue of Jews being called self-hating for criticizing Israel. Is a ex-Cuban called self-hating when he dislikes Castro and his deeds, no, he's called freedom-fighter. Same with Chinese people who say no to Chinese oppression of minorities and other countries. Killing civilians is a SIN to someone of Jewish faith, and not something to be proud about.The film can however, be called anti-Israeli. But i would say its not, as it only attacks the BAD THINGS Israel does, not Israel or the Israel people in general. Its the same thing as calling a film about the Vietnam war anti-American. Also the negative comments on this site:1. Saying the films is simply lies and untrue (without specifying how) 2. Saying the film must be anti-Jewish and therefor must be dismissed.Thanks guys for proving the film's point! This is how pro-Israels always want to move the focus from the real reason for the conflict.The Israeli people will never be safe as long as they continue to give the Palestians good reasons to hate and fear them. And they really don't gain much from holding the occupied territories so whats the point?Erik, Sweden
theenemy-1 1. Why do Jews deserve a land of their own? They stole the land from the Palestinians. If the basis for ownership of land is based on last occupation, I can only assume that bills316 is a Native American. Otherwise, unless s/he is a major hypocrite, s/he would hand back the land to the Native Americans, who owned Canada far more recently than the Jews owned Palestine prior to 1948. 2. Why is a Jew who criticizes Israel "self-hating"? Is a Canadian who criticizes Canada self-hating? Of course not. It is a democratic tradition and right to criticize your own country and people when they misbehave, as Israel has massively done. 3. This is not about appeasement. It is about brutality and the vicious cruelty of Israel - rightful heirs to the Nazis - towards their native population. The fact that it is so rare to see the truth in the Western media does not make it a lie. Bills316 and others should welcome the fact that the truth is finally allowed to appear. 4. See the movie. 5. Bills 316, it's "following its left-wing agenda", not following "it's left-wing agenda" from the grammatical point of view and "telling the truth" from all other points of view. 6. And, yes, I know (yawn) you are going to say that this is anti-Semitic. However, being anti-Zionist is not anti-Semitic any more than it is Jew-hating.
stefan-414 Those Israeli soldiers at the checkpoints – total beasts, treating Palestinian women and children like Nazis treated "sub-human" Jews, Gypsies or Poles. There should be an international outcry and demand by the US (let's dream: a special Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing with trustworthy Palestinian witnesses) to bring civility and courtesy right there and punish those young arrogant brutes, full of hubris and chutzpah. Shame on the IDF leadership and civilian government of Israel for allowing this to happen. This is unforgivable and this detail alone in the movie makes me start detesting "things Israel" and morally condemn them. As much as Israel has the right to exist, they have a long way to go to figure out how to solve the problem they themselves are partly to be blamed for, as the movie exposes, notwithstanding the Arab dictatorships that have pushed relentlessly against the state of Israel, which the movie does not mention at all. For that, this excellent documentary receives 8 instead of 10. What Israel does now (August 2006) in Lebanon is foolhardy at best (an elephant in the porcelain store tactics) and they will be punished in the future by the ever stronger Arab, fanatically religious Muslim or Palestinian irredentist movements.I do not believe in 2 separate states in that small piece of land. It is downright silly from the ecological standpoint if you think about it. I vote for one new state*: call it whatever you want: The Palestine Republic of Israel (or The Israel Republic of Palestine) - with equal rights for the Palestinians. With one condition from the outset – it must be a secular state and all religions should be a private matter of their worshipers with external displays of it confined only to the interior of their respective worship houses). War interests in the U.S. (and Israel and Syria and Iran) will never allow for permanent peace though. "War is good" for them (for different reasons, not only greed in case of the US and Israel) and unless we get rid of the criminals in the WH the worst is yet to come. The neo-cons are pushing Israel for a greater conflict, trying to suck in Syria and eventually Iran. This will all play out before November…Arabs should be told loud and clear that in the wake of WWII many nations were moved from one location to another (e.g. Poles, Germans), had to accept the new geo-political reality and live with that whether they liked it or not. Another point is that due to aggression by the Arabs in 1967 Israel gained territory. This is called spoils of war. Too bad Arabs started that war. So once and for all they should stop whining and accept things fairly. Only then the world community will treat them fairly. It is ironic now that Palestinians, Hezbollah and other Arab knuckle heads are rejecting the Israel's right to exist, whereas Palestinians themselves yarn for their own state (read right to exist). An untenable inconsistency and hypocrisy. They have to grow up and so do the Israelis. The only solution to this problem is 1) to remove the Bush criminal squad (the biggest military and economic terrorists on the face of Earth) from the WH, so the world at large starts to trust the American people again 2) form an International Council of Sages that will hold the world mandate to resolve that conflict. Send them down there to meet with the moderates (chosen from peoples representatives) on both sides, and offer them the best equitable solution. Try to stay away from current politicos and government of Israel - make an apeal to the population instead (who is at least 50% secular, i.e. reassonable). They should get rid of the corrupt American a** kissers who are currently in the pocket of neo-cons leading that country and the world to disaster 3) Both Palestinians and Israeli should refrain from use of force and violence during those talks. 4) Again, in this process try to avoid at all cost politicians, especially of criminally lying Condi Rice type. 5) Once the consensus on both sides is achieved US democratic-by-that-time Senate should enact law of banning any weapon exports from the US. 6) Worldwide campaign to shut down armament factories and convert them to wind mill and other sustainable energy plants should follow. 7) Don't forget to put Rupport Murdoch on trial for trying so hard to dismantle the US constitution… Let's wake up, the Earth is too precious thing to loose…* Why not creating there Middle East Union (Jordan, Israel, Lebanon) and avoid the state issue at all. The state concept is so much XIX-th century anyway.
eric-1208 A movie made by people who ask "why" rather than just shout slogans or point fingers. It's main goal appeared to be to give equal time to the sorrows of both Israelis and Palestinians that result from this occupation. Given the asymmetry in both military and "public relations" power between the two camps, it is tough to get a balanced perspective in the mainstream US media. It highlights the incredible similarities between Israeli resource-grabbing and that of early America, both resulting in the murder of the indigenous population, and peace talks that amount to the creation of scattered non-sovereign reservations. This is not to say that if we were to have given the Palestinians the tanks and jets instead of Israel, they would not have made the same grab for power. A major point is that we cannot rely on existing media outlets to tell us the truth, because the truth will be told by whoever has the dollars and the institutional muscle, so we must dig for it and think about it ourselves. In having to dig for it, we sometimes fall into reliance on more dubious sources like the hedgehoged arguments of David Icke types, who give us a ton of speculation with a kernel of truth. If the mainstream media were to give a more intelligent assessment of the situation, rather than the catch-phrase of the day, it might actually bring some of the "leftists" more toward the center, since they could rely less on the under-funded, over-worked, obviously biased independent media.Two points on other comments. 1)Chomsky says that this is the longest *modern* military occupation of the Palestinian people, and by modern, he usually means post-industrial. He says a lot of stuff that I think can't possibly be true until I take the time to check his references and they're nearly always right on the mark2)The self-hating Jew comment is silly, as they addressed this very argument in the movie, and addressed it rather well. I could imagine that this argument would continue work from the perspective of one who closed his or her eyes to the movie at the first sign of cognitive dissonance and fell back on the standard slurs. In addition, Israelis do have a land of their own. The trouble is that they want it to be larger and larger. Where would you have the Palestinians go?

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