The greatest movie ever!
That was an excellent one.
Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Joanna Mccarty
Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Antagonistic mission is safe non-missionNon-mission is non-objectiveNon-objective is non-separationNon-separation is non-selfNon-self is non-observationSafe is separationSeparation is observationObservation non-observation is hypocritical non-observationHypocritical non-observation is non-observation hypocriticalNon-observation hypocritical is hypocrisy of non-intrusionNon-intrusion is non-abuseNon-abuse is toleranceTolerance is implied dangerImplied danger is danger of implicationDanger of implication is danger of possibilityDanger of possibility is safety of impossibilityImpossible safety is certain dangerCertain danger is safetySafety is hypocriticalHypocrisy is safeHypocrisy is good
Still to this Day, I am 42 Years young.. When watching this Film.. I totally get Pumped.. from the Awesome Training Sequences showing the Contrasting Styles from both Rocky and Drago to the Ending Fight.. Its is the best Rocky Film made hands down...Even the Music is Good.When my 9 year old Son wants to watch Rocky Film I will show him this one 1st.Here is my Ranking from Best to Worst.. I'm not including Creed in this Rating as that is Related but not Rocky Film (even though it is a Fantastic Film on its Own)Best to WorstRocky 4
Rocky 3 (Mr. T as Clubber Lang)
Rocky 2
Rocky 6
Rocky 5Creed if included would be a close Second place.. as it was an amazing continuation of the Rocky Franchise.. I mean come on,, Apollo has an illegitimate son who has the Skills and finds Rocky to help him achieve Greatness... Brilliant
John austin
Leave it to Hollywood to take a good concept and run it right into the ground. Rocky IV is even more overblown than Rocky III, which, while being a fairly decent movie, was a monument to everything that was tacky about the 1980s.You'll get the idea here pretty quick. Rocky vanquished all the domestic competition in the first three movies, so now he has to take on a Russian superfighter, a communist giant with no conscience and trained with cutting edge, high-tech 1980s Soviet boxing methods. (This movie came out during abrief period in history when there was a popular belief that the Soviet Union possessed advanced scientific training methods that enabled them to beat the rest of the world in Olympic sports. After awhile we all figured out they were just shooting everyone up with enormous amounts of steroids). By the fourth movie, Rocky is little more than a flawed, rough edged boxing themed superhero, and the whole thing has degenerated from Oscar caliber material to action movie status. It looks real good, I'll give it that. They spent lots of money on it. But if you watch the original Rocky and then watch this, you'll just be depressed with where they decided to go with the thing.
Richard Dominguez
My Favorite Of The 6 Rocky Movies ... When This Movie First Came Out Everyone Knew Without Watching The Movie That Rocky Wins ... I Couldn't Understand Why They Would Give Away The Ending Like That ... Then When I Saw The Movie I Understood That They Had Given Nothing Away ... That This Movie Is So Much More Than About A Boxing Match ... I Can't Go Into Every Nuance Of Things I Love About This Movie, There Are Simply Way Too Many Things To List ... Suffice It To Say That Rocky IV Is An Emotional Ride Through A Universe Of Feelings ... Well Written And Executed I Would Have Thought It Was A Best Selling Novel ... From Apollo's Insistence That When "This 'Is Over" Rocky Would Understand To Rocky's Son Repeating Back Into The Television "I Love You" In My Opinion The Best Written Rocky Of All ... The Acting Was Great If Not Oscar Worthy But With The "Heart" That This Movie Carries (As Far As I Am Concerned) The Academy Can Keep It's Award ... There's Just So Much I Want To Say About This Movie