I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Really Surprised!
I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Deborah Rinkel
The graphics were excellent and will make an impact on a younger generation who may be "turned off" by traditional teaching models. Exodus came to life, into the here and now! It kept my attention, and gave me evidence that a natural occurrence of a volcanic eruption could cause some of the plagues in the Bible. Of course, God,in His wisdom, knew we would arrive at this knowledge, so had to go beyond the "natural" to show His Divine power. Since I am no expert in science I cannot say I believe everything presented hook, line, and sinker. A person should always look at all evidence with an open mind. Everyone involved with this production can be extremely proud of their particular role. Thank you for presenting more evidence the Bible is true.
It sounds to me like someone has a personal thing against the movie, which is sad because if you don't watch this movie with an open mind, then of course you wouldn't agree with what it is showing us. If you've already made your mind up before you watch the movie, then it's only going to make you mad when you watch it and then you'll post negative comments like the post before mine.I thought the movie was very well done, well thought out and presented phenomenally.Like I said, if you do decide to watch this documentary, then please do so with an open mind!
Whether the exodus occurred or not, The Exodus Decoded is filled with lies. While I'm not an expect in any of the relevant subjects, I knew enough to be suspicious of its wild and bizarre claims. I checked up on it and found an extensive review that debunks, with reason and hard evidence, just about every aspect of this travesty of a "documentary"."The Exodus Decoded: An extended review by Christopher Heard" http://www.heardworld.com/higgaion/?p=60Here's a quick example of how this documentary lies and distorts evidence. Look at this original stela: http://www.romesburg.com/exodus/exodusgraphics/stela-3detail.jpgNow here's the cg "reconstruction" of that same stela, from Exodus Decoded: http://www.heardworld.com/higgaion/higpix/ED_emptystela2.pngSorry about the poor image quality, but the important details are sufficiently clear. Note how they change the animals in the middle from lions to horses by changing their tails from an upward curve (which in ancient art would indicate a lion) to a downward curve (which ancient art of this sort would never depict a horse as having). Don't believe me? Check it out here: http://www.heardworld.com/higgaion/?p=360Why is this detail significant? Because they claim that this stela is depicting the parting of the Red (or Reed) Sea, and those "Roman horses" are being engulfed in waves. But they are obviously lions, and not horses.On the wider issue, ask yourself this: What reason could a documentary EVER have to change a clear detail on a mural when doing a "reconstruction"? In this case, to create evidence for wild claims that have no support otherwise. This is a cold, hard example of a bold LIE by this documentary. Look into this for yourself (at the site above, or a simple google search) and see that the lies of Exodus Decoded are painfully obvious once you have the other side of the story. I am ashamed for everyone involved, especially James Cameron.
Although the reconstruction is clever, it ultimately depends on a number of mistakes (or intentional distortions). The filmmaker wants to attach all of the following to a single event: the biblical exodus from Egypt (normally dated by biblical scholars to either c. 1440 BCE or c. 1270 BCE), the meteorological catastrophe described in Ahmose's Tempest Stela (c. 1550 BCE, the first year of Ahmose's reign by the standard chronology), the expulsion of the Hyksos from Egypt (c. 1546 at the earliest or c. 1520 at the latest), the conditions described in the "Admonitions of Ipuwer" (c. 1700 BCE at the latest, possibly much earlier), and the eruption of Santorini/Thera (dated c. 1627 BCE by radiocarbon dating). The dates alone just don't work. On top of that, the texts and artifacts presented are often misinterpreted, and geophysical data related to the Santorini volcano--a linchpin of the entire program--is simply ignored. The house of cards falls down on inspection of the details.