Wonderful Movie
A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Alistair Olson
After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Rebekah in this movie is cruel old psychic that beat slaves?
Rebekah in Bible doesn't provide fortune-teller service. Where did the twist get this idea?Rachel refused to marry Jacob and ask her sister Leah to replace her? or it is Laban's idea and the tradition of marring Older Sister first? Rebekah's motive to ask Jacob to get the birthright is not because his talent of leadership. It is so dumb to even think this. Why Did God said "I am God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob"? The author doesn't have clue what Bible is talking about. -Why Joseph is so grown up even before they go back to Esau?
It hates men and the Jewish faith,.Do you think they could or would pull this with any Muslim story....No, that would be rude and raciest. Jacob is seen as a joke, good women can help shape a great man for good or evil.The idea Jacob would just say okay to false, and i guess he was a mental midget for he could not do anything without a woman's okay, not like advice but her okay dear, yes dear.
Well acted but watch for gross historical inaccuracies as the author must have desperately tried to make the Jews coming into Egypt more of a romantic adventure.True, this is a story of family betrayal and ultimate redemption, but come on, let's not lose sight of historical events occurring as they did.Laban is made out to be a drunken man, instead of the man who tricked Jacob into marrying Leah instead of his beloved Rachel.Leah's sons were evil, but killing a king and destroying their step-sister's opportunity was a bit over the top. After their dastardly deed, they are mentioned in the rest of the picture, but there is no talk of what became of them, unless the author meant letting nature and the years take their course.
All of the negative reviews ignore the reality that this miniseries is not based on the book of Genesis, but the book The Red Tent. Anita Diamant wrote The Red Tent as a feminist Midrash. (Wikipedia defines Midrash as "a method of interpreting biblical stories that goes beyond simple distillation of religious, legal, or moral teachings. It fills in gaps left in the biblical narrative regarding events and personalities that are only hinted at.") She wanted to expand on The Rape of Dinah, a chapter in Genesis. What was Dinah's life before and after that brief chapter? In addition, she asks whether women were totally subservient to men or did they stand up for themselves and wield their own power? Since the people who wrote down the Bible were all men, did they omit or edit out important contributions of women?My critique of the miniseries is that the portrayal of Jacob is too positive, compared to the book. I think this was done to lessen criticism from Orthodox Jews and fundamentalist Christians.