Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.
Overrated and overhyped
I like Black Panther, but I didn't like this movie.
I was totally surprised at how great this film.You could feel your paranoia rise as the film went on and as you gradually learned the details of the real situation.
Ashish Nargotra
Loved this movie when i first saw it actually i saw this movie quite late in 2007 In 2006 i had got my first bike and this movie inspired that young teen which i was then and biking became my life i was 16 when got my first bike so lot of good memories with this movie i will love this movie in spite of anything I pray to this movie team to please make a sequel to this movie thanks Respect and Love to All..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.may all of you also truly see this movie in such motivated way in which i have seen this movie an appreciate it and if you do like this movie please rate this movie so that such a great work should always b remembered.....
Wow! This is retinal feast! A bit hammering perhaps, with somewhat awkward rhythm here and there hey, what am I talking about here? It is as if Hitchcock has exploded, with a hand from Rosenquist and other pop artists.Stunning visuals (the frame with the cow on the left, palms on the right, descending and framing in some hilariously cross bikers ready to kick butt - and then the chase in the palms, is dreamlike and intoxicating fun all at once!), no-nonsense quickness, astonishing palette, bravura rhythms in just one shot, amazing stunts, tongue-in-cheek visual gags that augment the joy, all this interlocking in masterful scenes - what can one want more? Pop Art lives and kicks ass! Kudos to Torque.If you want to skip this, or condemn it, for the sake of more seriously serious film-making, don't say you were not warned!
A biker named Ford has returned and finds himself surrounded by people who hate him, the cops, a local drug dealer named Henry and local biker gang leader named Trey.The plot is satisfactory and provides a good sequence for chase scenes especially the train chase...Very good...The acting is weak and doesn't really do anything to excite the crowd..I guess it tried to cash in on the fast and furious fever...I loved the scene when the Hellion member instantly dodges a punch and lays his own brand of violence on them...The end was very disappointing and didn't do anything...Being chased by a super bike...But the plus side was that Monet Mazur was there...Beautiful.
The whole setup of this movie is to make cash. From the beginning the movie just looks overproduced. When I tuned in I even thought it was some kind of commercial, and I was right because this whole movie is basically a advertisement for motorbikes. The way a sign at the start reads "cars suck", the comments throughout the film "thats why I hate 4 wheels!". Its pretty obvious, even though you can't really take stuff like that serious.There are a lot of errors in this film as well, but what I didn't like about this film is that it focuses too much on the bikes and vehicles. Believe me when I say that this has nothing else to offer then people racing against each other with a very thin plot about a guy who gets framed for a murder he didn't commit. Thats basically the entire premise of this movie, so if you are not into bikes and cars (yes those people exist) then you can scratch this movie from your list now.One aspect that was not that bad was the use of CGI to create a kind of hyperdrive-feeling during some of the driving/chase scenes. But again, this feels like a bike-commercial quickly. Hell, they could paste a Yamaha-logo at the end of a driving-sequence in Torque and there you go; a perfect TV-commercial.The characters also are nothing different from the typical Hollywood-stuff, and they are just as thin as the plot they are representing. The acting could be worse, but the dialog is the most awful and laughable tripe you will ever hear. If bikes are your life and you always wanted something like Fast and the Furious but with bikes then give this a try, if you want a good movie then just avoid this.