If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
The Couchpotatoes
For the record I've been watching alot of stand-up-comedy lately but this is the first show I saw from Trevor Noah. I can see clearly that he has alot of talent so I will watch his other later shows to have a better opinion about him. About this show, The Daywalker, I have mixed feelings. Good ones for the jokes I did understand and for the mimics and different voices he did. He does get your attention in a good way. Bad ones for the jokes I didn't understand, but it's more my fault than his. And that's because this show is more for a South-African audience which I'm not. They clearly get all the jokes, with his different accents, about their country, and they seem to have a good time so that's a good indicator for me to watch his future shows outside South-Africa. For The Daywalker you have to have some knowledge about the country, their politics, their different dialects and so on. As a Dutch speaker I could understand a bit of the Afrikaans but the other dialects were just too difficult. All in all it still wasn't a bad show, just a bit too complicated and hard to follow sometimes.