To me, this movie is perfection.
Highly Overrated But Still Good
As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Unicorn City is a funny comedy about roleplaying nerds whose entire lives revolve around their lame fantasy worlds. Marsha is friends with Voss, but secretly loves him and he won't get her hints. While trying to get a job to pay the rent, he proves he can manage a team by creating a fantasy utopia of elves, warlocks, centaurs, trolls and knights, a world which he calls 'Unicorn City'. Meanwhile a creepy old man, ShadowHawk, is jealous and trying to compete, plotting to be rid of this new roleplaying experiment and claiming Marsha for himself.Unicorn City has its moments, some of the more hilarious being a man with a refrigerator strapped to his back and horse legs taped to the end (a centaur), a tramp dressed as a genie who shows up to roleplay, the fat comic relief character Clancy and two bumbling cops who try to arrest these geeks because they think they're loitering and plotting some criminal activities. I wish they hadn't put in the whole environmental hippie crud message about the Superfund site and the ground being poison where the nerds had set up their game, but eh, what're you gonna do? It was a minor annoyance, the rest of the film was great. There was swearing, but not too much to overtake the movie. The acting was decent and the soundtrack was funny. It appears to take place in Arizona but I'm not certain.I don't roleplay and some of my friends do, so they found this film offensive to their hobbies (obsessions), but really it's just a comedy, it isn't declaring that all of these gamers are this way, it just depicts the extreme ones in a comedic light. I think this is a hilarious movie and I think others would find it just as funny as I did.
Basic breakd0wn 0f Unicorn City: A tablet0p gaming nerd wh0 has tr0uble separating his fantasy w0rld from real life, applies t0 a j0b. The manager at a gaming c0mpany listens t0 him talk ab0ut h0w he runs a guild.. blah blah blah... and ign0res him explaining that 50 0ther pe0ple said the same thing. If he wants t0 get hired, he needs t0 d0 s0mething more 0riginal. He is given 1 week t0 pr0ve himself.Thus- Unic0orn City. He creates a gaming ut0pia city where his guildites and him can live (0n Private Property) in peace. He enlists his friend t0 help him d0cument his "success". But cha0s starts t0 ensue when his gaming nemesis finds his "secret" l0cati0n and tries t0 claim it f0r himself.The m0vie can be s0mewhat sl0w at times, but it has a l0t 0f laughs in it. You d0n't have t0 be a gamer t0 laugh at hum0r and j0kes. A l0t 0f laughs, h0wever, c0me fr0m acti0ns m0re than w0rds. S0, y0u really have t0 be watching the m0vie t0 get the full hum0r of it all. The characters are pretty realistic. A l0t 0f gamers have different pers0nalities, they're n0t 0nly 0ne type like p0rtrayed in s0me media. You d0 have nerds. But, then, you have the "g0th/punk" girl, the "wh0rish" girl, the d0uche bag guy, the f0reign guy, the main character wh0 is kind 0f nerdy but n0rmal, t00. And all the in-between pe0ple. That's what I liked a l0t was that there was variety in characters. The m0vie kind 0f reminds me 0f the sh0w "The Guild". S0, if y0u're a big fan 0f that, y0u'll like this m0vie a l0t.
By far one of the best comedies I have seen in the theaters in a very long time! The friendly nature of the movie makes it appealing to all ages. And the clean humor ensures you that it will be a safe movie for just about anyone. The characters, though portrayed by Hollywood-unknowns, add in the perfect mix of seriousness and fun into their acting. Everyone of them will definitely be known after this film! You may think that a movie about live action role playing gamers would be boring, or dull...Oh how wrong you would be! I would definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good laugh in the movie theater!
This movie was a hit with everyone I know that's seen it. It's a perfect movie for families - not too risqué and has jokes that kids and adults can both appreciate. It's friendly, well-written, honestly laugh-out-loud funny, and you don't even have to know what LARPing is to enjoy the entire movie. The first scene perfectly outlines the characters and sets the stage for the rest of the movie. From the very beginning you know who to be routing for. The acting was top notch considering the actors have little feature film experience (with the exception of Jon Gries). Definitely a movie I would recommend for all ages.