Excellent, a Must See
It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.
an ambitious but ultimately ineffective debut endeavor.
Robert J. Maxwell
I don't think movies -- even made-for-TV movie shot in Canada -- can get much lower than this.The direction and editing are very poor, the special effects worse than humdrum, the acting egregious, and the plot unfathomable.The only person involved in the production who seems to know what he was about was the photographer. And what he was forced to photograph is just plain bad. Well, I should add that David Shamate as an inquiring reporter brings some personality to his role. He's the only one who does.Algonquin Provincial Park, where I once spent the night in the back seat of my car, is Yellowstone National Park or somewhere, except that it's anything but. There are no real geysers, no lavender rock formations, no Yellowstone Falls, only Ontario late in a dreary gray Canadian winter, a place where the sun never shines.I won't go on about it. It's not worth another word.
Frank Markland
Brian Bosworth stars as a government agent who is sent to stop the outbreak of a deadly virus which has been dumped, also there are guys trying to steal to use for an assassination on a politician or something(It's never made clear) add in a lame subplot about Bosworth being an ex-football star as well as dull love interest subplot and you are in for an excruciating 90 minutes. Candian actor Chuck Shamata probably gives the best performance but his scenes are few and far between, also his overall character is hilarious since (as others have pointed out) that he comes off as Columbo and his death scene is hysterical, in that he does an exaggerated fall. Also the beginning is also hysterical in that it's so over the top it becomes hilarious. Sadly these are the only elements in an otherwise awful film, which is dull and horrible. So don't see it. After all there are far funnier disaster movies, and certainly much better made than this fiasco.1/2* out of 4-(Awful)
What do David Fox, Leah Pinsent, and Eric Peterson have in common? They're all great actors stuck in a bad movie with other actors with only a quarter the talent and skill they have. But that's not what turns me off. What turns me off is the fact that the plot isn't interesting at all. Even those three are bored with it! And what can they do? It's not like every producer in the country is after them for their next movie break. It's not like we have much money to spend furthering their careers either. They deserve more. I only saw this movie because they were in it. I just hope they appear in a much better movie, with more integrity than this one.
General Chaos
...In my entire life so far, I never saw a movie that worst, NEVER. The story is so awful and illogical. ie: There is a biochemical agent developed by the government that has been spilled in a river but NO ONE has any suspicions. The hero(us president's ex-bodyguard who was a quarterback in the NFL) is immune to the weapon because he has the flu... RIDICULOUS!!! And there is the double car explosion thing: The car jumps over some rocks(don't ask me why but that make it explode), and after a couple of barrel roll... yes, it explodes again... no comments And did I talk about the music? ...Horrible, inhuman, childish, worst music I ever heard...Still, you must see this movie because after seeing it, you will enjoy every movie. Nothing can be worst than that...NOTHING!!!!