Scot Free
********** 10 Stars for helping expose injustice in an informative documentary.This movies is freely available on Youtube - put online in December 2010. The younger generation - with a huge tech savvy generation gap - is coming of age. The rich bankers and their political puppets are losing their iron grip on controlling media. They are getting desperate with even more serve manipulation of reality becoming outright lies - each reporter knowing their degree of deception. Here they clearly violate their oath of honesty and integrity for a paycheck! From 9-11 truth supported by many scientists and veterans, our globe is beginning to awaken! It is like those last day prophecies - yet instead of some rigid Christian viewpoint with only one group and dogma, climate change, and other perspectives like the 2012 Mayan calender attract great interest. The time of information, knowledge and sharing creativity really makes this time to be alive extremely valuable.Back to the film ... Very interesting focus showing the 6 months of filming with the Julian A. always with a new hairstyle and makeup. This need for make up and his focus on his looks makes him look less effective. Then the Daniel Domscheit-Berg - Julian's assistance breaks with Wikileaks and forms Open Leaks. Truly, the movement is to expose injustice and is greater than any one individual. The inertia to global awareness relies on each inspired person to do his or her part. Any authentic power can show rage - like the Hindu Kali devouring egos - yet humility exists when realizing the source of life, which the majority of humans on Earth call God.Thank you for creating the documentary. May the Revolution grow - day by day, moon by moon, yearly orbit by orbit - as Earth and all consciousness transforms.