I gave it a 7.5 out of 10
brilliant actors, brilliant editing
This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Staci Frederick
Blistering performances.
Chris D.
according to a article: In the early months of spring in 1999, Jeff Jarrett and Owen Hart had been building a reputation as a strong tag team, with Debra as their manager. Management had planned the team to eventually split up, and Owen begin to lust after Debra, infuriating Jarrett, which would in turn plant the seeds for a bitter and very personal feud.Owen, happily married in real life, didn't want his young children to see him cheating on his wife every Monday night, so he outright refused the angle. It was an honorable, if stubborn decision.The result, was that Owen was saddled with the Blue Blazer gimmick. It was a persona he'd donned early in his career as a glorified jobber, and one he was forced to revisit. It was punishment for declining a well thought out angle, orchestrated to humiliate Owen, who has to don a superhero persona and spend much of his time mimicking the wrestlers in WCW.Owen Hart had performed the stunt on two previous occasions in his career. Six months ago, Owen repelled from the ceiling at the 1998 Survivor Series in St. Louis. According to many, Vince McMahon was frustrated with how Owen's entrance came across on TV, as the "Blue Blazer" noticeably stalled and fumbled on the ground to break free of the contraption that had helped lower him. To the perfectionist in Vince McMahon, that simply wasn't good enough.Bobby Talbert (the creator or the rig) specially bought a quick-release snap shackle for this occasion, allowing Owen Hart to easily break free once he had landed on the ground. Talbertt bought the equipment from a company called Amspec Inc., and all Owen would have to do is tug lightly on a release cord that would disengage the rappelling line from his harness. Upon landing, in one motion Owen would be able to break free and continue his superhero façade without any slip-ups. It was easy, at least that's how Talbert made it sound.Bobby requested that Owen would rehearse the stunt, seeing as how the two had never worked together before. Owen declined. It was clear that he hated the stunt, and didn't want to do it for any more times than it was necessary. It is reported, that Owen tried to persuade management being lowered from the rafters wasn't essential to his character in the days leading up to the pay-per-view, only for Vince McMahon to insist otherwise As the backstage interview of the Blue Blazer was airing, Owen extended his elbows away from his body and tried to once again maneuverer his cape.It was then that Owen accidentally triggered the quick-release. And it was then, that Owen fell 78 feet to his death, screaming all the way down, until he violently landed on his left side, shattering his left arm and causing fatal internal injuries, as the audience watched on in horror
Steve Donnachie
Ever since I was eight years old I have been a big wrestling fan. It didn't matter what federation I watched. WWE,WCW,USWA. To me the action is all I watched it for.May 23rd 1999. That was my 19 birthday. I ordered Over the Edge and I was just expecting another pay per view. But this time. I was wrong. Instead that was the night one of the best wrestlers to come out of Canada a true human being fell to his death due to a stunt gone wrong. Not much you can do to change the situation. But what happened affter Owens death made me very mad.Rather then ending the pay per view and doing the right thing as human beings the WWE decided to protect what comes first and that was the money by keeping the pay per view going as if Owens death never happened.I gotta tell you. Vince Mchmaon has made some stupid decisions in his life but this was by far the stupidest decision he ever made.And this crap with saying Owen would have wanted the pay pew view to keep going. Give me a break. When someone dies on a pay pew view its comon sense to stop it. Thats like a police officer shooting a robber or a mugger with a run and then just leaving the man to die so he can go home and call it a day as if the mans life never mattered.But no matter what happens. Owen will be missed and thanks for the memories for all the times you gave us.
ross robinson
I will never forget what happened to Owen, it was a shocking moment to what had happened to him. He will always be remembered by his fans, friends and family etc: In my opinion it must have been the shocking moment of 1999, the worlds shocking moment of that year. He was such a good wrestler and loved by his fans, friends and family. He will always be in the hearts of us and all we have left of him now, is the memories and the videos of what he was in to do with wrestling, I heard about the rumours about making a movie based on Owen Hart's life. And his wife gave the creators her permission to make the movie. I will always remember Owen the way her was and i hope that goes for the rest of you who were fans of him. God Bless you Owen, and thank you for the good times you gave us.
Most people only remember Over the Edge for one thing. Owen's death. I can't give the show a fair rating. It wouldn't be fair too. So I'll just say that it was an interesting show. ONe no one will ever forget. Everything else no one remembers well. Here's to you Owen!