Let's be realistic.
This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Calum Hutton
It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
A profound movie.A most powerful Holocaust account on film.An imaginary yet credible formulation of a relationship between members of Teutonic background with Jewish background after the defeat of Hitler.The ring, a precious German family heirloom, is introduced early in the story, but is put aside until near the drama's end when in a manner that would have taxed Sherlock Holmes, provides the avenue to the resolution.Perhaps the saddest yet gladdest tale conceived. Its conclusion will have you sobbing in league with all of the surviving characters.View this masterpiece to recreate your faith in humankind a la a Walt Disney fairy tale.
Olivia Garcia
I first heard of Jon Tenney when I saw him in Danielle Steet Novel titled "The Ring" I almost didn't finish watching it because it was so touching and emotional. The separation of families during a war is so devastating, but how they all came back together again was very inspiration. It's stories like "The ring" that we learn to appreciate what we have in this country. It was Jon Tenny's acting that kept me glued to my TV. My oldest daughter is Jon's age. I am so intrigued by our young people's response to such tragic stories. I can see how we gave our children too much and hindered their development. So I hope that Joh gets a lot more jobs in movies, TV would be so great because I am homebound as so are a lot of seniors in my area and these stories we connect with, Thank You so much!!
First of all, I want to defend my vote : normally I would give this movie 6/10. But I gave 1/10, not because this movie is so bad, but because too many people gave this one 10/10. 10/10, that means this is a perfect movie?! Sorry to disappoint all those teen girls, but this is far from perfect. The acting is very wooden (the SA-brown shirts in the beginning are just ridiculous) and the plot is very far-fetched (or how do you explain the pregnancies and the guys not finding it out?). Don't get me wrong, it is not an awful movie, but it is a Saturday-evening TV-movie : something you watch when you have nothing else to do. It's not the good movie that I believed it to be, based on its high IMDb-score. Watch it if you like romance, tragedy (a lot of tragedy actually) and are prepared to forget certain impossible details.
Natashja Kinski provides a wonderful and inspiring performance of this tear jerker. A truly great performance for a made-for-TV movie. All the supporting roles were acted magnificently and appeared to be historically correct.I paid less than $7.00 for this 3 hour gem from Columbia House. I was born at the start of WWII and can relate to this masterpiece. Danielle Steel has created another great story and I have enjoyed collecting over 16 of her dramas on DVD.My only regret was Michael York's character was killed off too early in the film. However the drama and suspense of the siblings separation holds the drama together with suspense until the end.