Very well executed
From my favorite movies..
Griff Lees
Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Lachlan Coulson
This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
i love this show so much that i believe that its on too late at night for kids to watch plus just about everyones in bed sleeping before this time and i don't think all parents would allow their young kids to be up this late at night 12:00 am ct or 1:00 am et just to see this particular show so i believe that it should have two showings one episode at 9:00 pm ct/ 10:00 pm et and a repeat of the same episode at 12:00 am ct/ 1:00 am et for adults and keep Michelle Trachtenberg as host of the show for another season and they should invite the experts on this show plus a lot of TV shows have an e/i symbol now so that people with computers and msntv /webtv's can interact with the show
This series is basically just a new version of "In Search of...", though easier to follow, and for a younger audience. It features the lovely Michelle Trachtenberg (Dawn from Buffy, the Vampire Slayer) as the narrator to various legends, and the truths behind them. This is probably best suited for children ages 12 through 18, and if ever released on video would make an excellent way to make history class more enjoyable.